Our approach to roasting is essentially identical to our approach in our coffee shop. To have a constantly changing selection of high grade speciality coffee, and be honest and approachable about selling it.

We buy in small quantities so you get something fresh on offer regularly. In our first year of roasting, we offered 69 single origin coffees across 18 countries.


We value speciality coffee and are prepared to pay a good price for it. We think that producers should be paid fairly and to ensure this, we are committed to being an open book, an honest and transparent operation. We publish the amount we pay for our coffee, alongside the amount that we purchase, where possible we will also tell you how much the producer got paid for the coffee. To read more, go to our transparancy page.


When choosing the best roaster for us, we chose the Stronghold S7 Pro as it best suits our environmental requirements.

The Stronghold is an electric powered roaster, rather than the traditional gas. We realised that by using a fully renewable electricity supplier we can lower our carbon footprint drastically. The roaster sits on top of an afterburner, with a 6 stage filtration system, to ensure that the air ejected from the roaster is both clean and cool, thus removing the requirement for a flue system. 


This is Fency, she runs our Roastery!

Having previously worked in our shop as a Barista she left to go visit coffee producers in Yunnan, China. She came back with her Q-Grader, SCA Roasting and Green Coffee Professional qualifications so it would have been rude not to hand her the keys to our new roastery site!